50+ Job Seekers Networking Group: Morning Session
Wednesday, September 69:30—11:30 AMOnlineWestborough Public Library55 West Main St, Westborough, MA, 01581
More than 60 libraries throughout Mass. and southern NH have partnered to offer the Library 50+ Job Seekers Networking Group program to support people fifty years and older looking for a new job, a new career direction, or a Second Act Career! Take advantage of these FREE biweekly skill-building and networking group meetings. A New Topic at each meeting. Many meetings include a Hiring Employer. Attendance at each meeting is not necessary but highly recommended! Join anytime. Registration required.
This program is led by Deborah Hope, MBA, PCIC, MC an experienced Executive Career Coach/Master Coach.
Register with link: https://tinyurl.com/4842xzsp
Today's topic is "Using AI in Job Searches."
Register with link